Gotham Season 5: 3 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Trial Of Jim Gordon'


1. The Trial Of Jim Gordon

Gotham Season 5 Jim Gordon Trial

As has been the case with most of the episodes from Gotham's final outing, finding something negative has been incredibly difficult given the high standard of writing, but there's one problem that needs addressing here.

As you can guess from the episode's title, a portion of this instalment centres around Jim Gordon's trial - a trial which takes place within Gordon's mind. Having the GCPD captain fight for survival via the choices he makes in a purgatory of his own making - à la Life On Mars - is a neat enough idea when it's executed properly, but this unfortunately isn't the case here.

For a start, the idea isn't fully realised. During the trial, Gordon doesn't do an awful lot to ensure his survival, and on several instances he seemingly accepts his fate. What's more, he is later executed in the fantasy sequence, which you'd think would kill him in the real world, but for some reason he awakes, which renders the notion of him trying to survive the trial (and thus surviving in reality) pointless.

Furthermore, considering the episode is named after this narrative arc, very little time is devoted to the actual trial itself, which suggests it isn't as important a storyline as we first thought.

What did you make of The Trial Of Jim Gordon? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.