Gotham Season 5: Harley Quinn's Origin Explained

2. Ecco Is Gotham's Harley Quinn

Ecco harley Quinn Gotham

With Barbara out of the way, it didn't take long for Gotham viewers to start wondering which character would receive the horrifying fate of being transformed into Harley Quinn. Conveniently for them, Ecco showed up at around the same time Barbara stopped being an option.

Much like Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Ecco was an incredibly sane person when we first met her. She was initially introduced as Jeremiah's proxy, and we soon learned that she'd devoted her entire life to the genius twin brother of the crazed Jerome. Unfortunately, her sanity was short-lived.

After Jerome heinously turned his twin into a madman, Ecco maintained her allegiance to Jeremiah, and aided in all of his criminal capers. However, in spite of her newfound criminality, the young woman was still in her right mind. That is, until we meet her in Season 5.

During Penguin, Our Hero, Selina Kyle goes in search of Jeremiah, hoping to exact revenge on him for leaving her almost paralysed. Instead, she encounters Ecco, who is more deranged than before, and is wearing a painted face. It was here that, after four or so years of speculation, viewers were finally introduced to Gotham's version of Harley.

Actress Francesa Root-Dodson is astoundingly good at playing crazy, so much so that we couldn't help but wonder how Ecco went from reliable trustee to a bash*t crazy painted lady? Thankfully, we didn't have to wait too long to find out...

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.