Green Arrow: Every Trick Arrow Explained

4. The Atomic Warhead Arrow

Green Arrow Nth Metal
DC Comics

While some of Oliver Queen's multitude of different arrows are a little light-hearted, outright bizarre, or even otherworldly, his atomic warhead arrow carries a whole other level of gravitas and responsibility to the world as a whole.

Being able to summon the power of a nuclear weapon through a bow and arrow sounds a little nuts, but that's comic books - particularly when we're talking about some of the books of the '50s and into the '60s.

To be precise on this one, Oliver Queen pulls out his trusty atomic warhead arrow in 1968's Justice League of America #65. Realising that one of his more standard explosive arrows won't get the job done, the Master Bowman opts to up his game and use a nuclear arrow to take on the threat of the absorption alien Starro.

This whole story saw T.O. Morrow raging war on the JLA, and it just so happened that Green Arrow was the person to square off with Starro. And despite rooting down to pull out an atomic warhead arrow, Ollie still couldn't stop Starro during that particular fight.

Thankfully for fans with a modicum of common sense, the atomic warhead arrow has largely never been referenced since that 1968 outing - y'know, because a nuclear bomb in your quiver makes absolutely zero sense on a health and safety level.

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