Hannibal Season 2: 10 Reasons You Should Be Watching

5. It Has The Best Cinematography On Television... Period

The production value of cable TV has only been on the up and up in recent years. Shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and now House of Cards dominate the technical Emmys over shows that appear on Broadcast TV. This is a reasonable state of affairs, given that most Broadcast Televisions shows don't get the same sort of budget or creative drive to produce visuals as unique as those on cable. That said, this show is gorgeous. Combining a harsh lighting scheme with a rich color palette and some of the most gruesome imagery this side of David Fincher, Hannibal produced the most unique visual aesthetic on Television. The framing of every shot is deliberate, to effectively convey the painterly symbolism behind every grotesque murder. This aesthetic works so well it effectively makes both the surreal world of nightmares in Will Graham's head and his real world blend seamlessly... only to make his confused perception of reality that much more understandable.
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Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.