Hawkeye TV Show: 6 Things It Must Include

3. Katherine Langford As Kate Bishop

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Netflix hit 13 Reasons Why has had just as many detractors as fans for its heavy handed depiction of serious topics, but rarely has that criticism been directed at the actors. Star Katherine Langford, who plays suicide victim Hannah, has recently been confirmed for a role in Avengers 4.

Though her role is not currently known, speculation is rife that she’ll be portraying Kate Bishop. To follow comic lore, this would see Hawkeye taking up the name of Ronin, acting as Bishop’s mentor.

As far as Avengers 4 goes, this could suggest the birth of the Young Avengers, especially with Cassie Lang already in canon talking about becoming a superhero. For the Hawkeye TV show though, Langford in the cast would add a Golden Globe nominee alongside the immensely talented Jeremy Renner. A Bishop/Ronin arc would depend heavily on the dynamic between the pair, and those two definitely have the chops to pull it off.

Bishop also offers the chance to return to one of the MCU’s most popular themes. Whether it’s Tony Stark and Peter Parker, Yondu and Peter Quill or indeed Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, surrogate father figures have some of the most touching relationships in the entire narrative.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)