HBO's Watchmen: 10 Big Questions We Need Answers To

8. Will The Comedian Feature?

Watchmen Rorsarch
DC Comics

One big character we know nothing of yet is The Comedian. We don’t know anything about Nite Owl or Silk Spectre either, but The Comedian is the one really drawing questions.

Though probably not as much as Doctor Manhattan and Rorschach, The Comedian is one of Watchmen’s most iconic faces. Rorschach (or some version of him) featured in the trailer, while Zak Rothera-Oxley has been cast as young Jon Osterman. No word on who’ll be the adult Jon (and therefore likely Manhattan himself) but it appears he’ll be featured in some capacity.

Which brings us back to The Comedian. The biggest question, obviously, is just ‘will he be there?’. Remixing the original is one thing, but leaving out The Comedian would be like remixing Billie Jean and leaving out the piano riff.

He dies in the first scene of the original, but features heavily in various flashbacks. Will a remix indeed cut him altogether? Or instead, will he either never have existed, or perhaps not die at all? Fans will be watching very closely to catch glimpses of him in any follow-up trailers before the full cast is revealed.

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