HBO's Watchmen: 10 Big Questions We Need Answers To

7. Is That Don Johnson In The Cowboy Hat?

Watchmen Rorsarch

Several of the cast haven’t had their roles publically revealed yet, but arguably the most fascinating is Don Johnson. He’s earned his place in TV history after the legendary Miami Vice, but his star power has certainly waned in recent decades.

However, there’s something timelessly compelling about Don Johnson. Like Robert Redford, he only really tends to play versions of himself, but that’s what makes his casting so interesting. Who exactly is going to be enough like Don Johnson in the Watchmen world that Don Johnson could play him?

That’s where the swaggering man in the cowboy hat comes in. During the trailer, he only has his back to the camera, but there’s something about that honky tonk walk that suggests it might be Johnson himself.

Is the cowboy hat just a little stylish flourish? Or could he be playing a wealthy businessman, or even an actual cowboy? Whoever he’s playing, he’s sure to bring his big personality with him. And while Don Johnson might attract the most curiosity, there’s a wonderful cast full of stars too and fans can’t wait to see who they’ll be playing.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)