HBO's Watchmen: 10 Big Questions We Need Answers To

6. Who Are The New Characters?

Watchmen Rorsarch
DC Comics

...which brings us onto our next big question. Who exactly are these new characters, and when will they be revealed?

HBO is masterful when it comes to marketing. We’ve only seen three seconds of new footage from Game Of Thrones Season 8 so far, yet it feels like they’ve been dangling that carrot forever. Watchmen has its own official Instagram page now, but so far the only updates have been fairly standard promo images with famous quotes as captions.

As the series launch looms closer though, the promos will get more intense. Possibly the character reveals will be drip fed over time, or perhaps it’ll come all at once as HBO try to break the internet. Either way, fans can’t wait to see who’s going to be featured.

Because of Lindelof’s ‘remixing’ idea, there’s going to be some brand new characters in this version. That means, when they are eventually revealed, we won’t just be finding out who’s playing who, but also getting a first glimpse at some fresh designs. Watchmen managed to balance a dark grit with a wonderful creativity; it’s up to Damon Lindelof to do the same.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)