HBO's Watchmen: 10 Big Questions We Need Answers To

4. What Has Begun?

Watchmen Rorsarch

We only get a very brief glimpse of Jeremy Irons’ Ozymandias in the trailer, but it goes without saying that he’ll play a huge part in the season. Ozymandias is arguably the biggest driving force of the plot in the original story, and Jeremy Irons doesn’t do bit parts.

All we get is the rather cryptic line ‘it has begun...’, which begs the obvious question ‘what has begun?’. As fans of either the comic or film will be aware, this is referencing another famous Watchmen line, Doctor Manhattan’s ‘nothing ever ends’.

Doctor Manhattan, as was his way once he received his powers, often spoke with philosophy in his voice. Ozymandias though, was more focused. Whatever has begun, it will not be an abstract concept. It will be something very real, and likely very dangerous.

Ozymandias is significantly older than in the original story here, so whether he’ll have changed with age remains to be seen. But as such an iconic character and a focal point of Moore’s tale, surely he can’t change that much. His plan may well form the overall arc of the first season, so whatever’s begun, it will have big consequences for everyone involved.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)