HBO's Watchmen: 10 Big Questions We Need Answers To

3. Why Are They All Wearing Masks?

Watchmen Rorsarch

This is where the Rorschach question comes back. The masked police, though wearing yellow rather than Rorschach ink blot masks, could be in tribute to Rorschach.

If that’s not the reason though, then why? Perhaps these aren’t a police force as we typically think, but some kind of private security firm or external agency of some sort? The covered faces could be a parallel to the KKK too, especially if there’s going to be a hint of fascism in the series.

Even if it is in tribute to Rorschach, there’s still a question of why. The masks look nothing like his, and seeing as he was a vigilante is unlikely to be idolised by police. By one or two officers in private? Possibly. But the whole police force? No chance.

The masks would hinder visibility, aren’t particularly threatening and make the police look like crash test dummies. The graphic novel was hugely stylised, so it makes sense that the show would bring its own flavour. There needs to be substance and a tangible explanation for the masks though, as fan forums are already on fire with theories.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)