House Of The Dragon - Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Otto Hightower

viserys targaryen house of the dragon

It's a jarring experience when pure malevolence is expertly concealed behind a simpering, sycophantic facade. Rhys Ifans' Otto Hightower is a Machiavellian villain of the highest order, a venomous snake slithering through the halls of the Red Keep, pouring poison laced with honey into any unsuspecting ear that might result in a bump in status for his family.

Any semblance of Otto's boot-licking alter-ego has completely dissolved in the wake of Viserys' death, to be replaced with a terrifying individual rabidly intent on securing the crown for the Hightowers. It has been a transformation which the exemplary Ifans has taken to with wicked relish, the Welsh actor growing in sinister stature and presence with each new scene he appears in.

Otto literally cares for nought but power and advancing the Hightower name; the sociopathic Hand of the King sees his family as nothing but disposable pawns in his insidious chess game. Otto is intentionally cruel to Alicent, in the hopes that she may morph in the creature completely lacking in morality or mercy that she eventually does become, but perhaps more disturbing is his reaction to his grandson's loss of an eye. The Hand is utterly indifferent to his grandson's disfigurement, instead alluding to the immeasurable political gain of adding Vhagar to the Green's forces.

Aegon may sit the Iron Throne, but make no mistake, Otto intends to rule. While he and Larys may be vying for the title of Littlefinger's successor, Otto currently holds the prestigious honor of House of the Dragon's lead villain.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.