House Of The Dragon - Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best
14. Baela and Rhaena Targaryen

Despite featuring in a limited capacity on the show to date, the daughters of Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon find themselves at the very forefront of proceedings leading to the civil war that will tear the realm apart. Betrothed to Jace and Luke in order to consolidate the legacy of their storied houses, the girls clearly possess the best parts of both their parents.
Take the fact that Baela is far too dignified to rise to Aegon's perverted lechery while Jace sits beside her, but on a separate occasion, no level of poise and wisdom prevented the two sisters from attempting to batter the living bejesus out of Aemond after he "stole" their deceased mother's dragon. The two sisters are both dragonriders in Martin's version of events and it will be enthralling to witness how House of the Dragon decides to bring this series of events to life. As of yet, Rhaena remains without a fire breathing mount, while Baela rides the dragon Moondancer.
Both girls - particularly Rhaena in light of the demise of her betrothed - face an uncertain future in the wake of Lucerys' murder at the hands of Aemond and Vhagar; Rhaena also faces the prospect of a husband hellbent on avenging his brother's death. With that being said, the Targaryen sisters are probably raring to go a second round with Aemond next season - only this time, to the death. This writer for one, cannot wait.