House Of The Dragon: Every Targaryen To Sit The Iron Throne

7. Maegor

Targaryen sigil

During his half-brother's reign, after his wife was found to be barren, Maegor married Alys Harroway, despite still being wed to Ceryse Hightower. For this he was exiled to Pentos, but upon Aenys' death he returned upon the back of Balerion to take the throne that was by all rights his nephew's.

While Aenys had simply expected to be loved and respected, the new King favoured fear and punishment, quickly earning him the moniker of Maegor the Cruel. This sparked further rebellion, the most important of which was led by Aenys' son, Aegon. Though he was pronounced King by his mother, Aenys' widow, Aegon would never sit the Iron Throne. Maegor and Balerion defeated and killed the 'usurper' and his dragon, Quicksilver, in a battle above the God's Eye.

Throughout his reign, Maegor the Cruel did as he pleased, including take three women to wife at the same time, and arresting, torturing, and killing his nephew Viserys, after Aenys' widow and Aegon the Uncrowned's mother escaped her captivity on Dragonstone.

The son of Aegon and Visenya's reign came to an end when Aenys' only surviving son, Jaehaerys, called his banners to oppose his uncle, supported by a large chunk of the realm, with three dragons at his back. The morning after attending a war council on how to deal with yet another would-be usurper, Maegor was found by one of his Black Brides, Elinor, impaled on the Iron Throne. Whether the King did this to himself, or whether he was murdered, was never truly discovered.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.