How Each Star Trek Captain Got Cast

7. Who Said That The Gym Was Just For Working Out?

Sisko Deep Space Nine

Chris Pine was very much in the up-and-coming category when he was cast in 2009's Star Trek, directed by J.J. Abrams. He had previously appeared in such films as The Princess Diaries 2 and Smokin' Aces, though he was yet to fully lead a film as he would with Star Trek.

He felt that he completely botched his first audition, as he couldn't take himself seriously as a leader. He may have been correct, as Abrams did not even get to see this audition tape. However, Pine's agent met Abrams' wife, who then convinced Abrams to give him a shot.

Backing up this, Zachary Quinto, who had already been cast as Spock, spoke in favour of him. The two men knew each other from working out at the same gym, giving another voice in Abrams ear to give the young actor a chance.

Once cast, Pine then went back to the Original Series to see what the character might become, studying William Shatner's performances along the way. In the end, he delivered something that was both an homage to Shatner's Kirk and a fresh, new take on the character, modernising him for the audience of the day.

He received several awards once the film was released, returning for both sequels. As it currently stands, he has stated that he wants to return for a fourth film - only time will tell!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick