How Hammer Horror Led To Doctor Who’s Most Popular Episodes

Genesis Of The Daleks

A 2014 survey for Doctor Who Magazine, rated every episode to date (241 in total) as part of an article called 'TOP 10 DOCTOR WHO STORIES OF ALL TIME'. When they totalled up viewer votes for their favourite stories and released the percentages of their popularity, three of Hinchcliffe's works made the top ten. Pyramids of Mars (1975) gained 88.26%, The Talons of Weng Chiang (1976) followed closely 90.15% approval and Genesis of the Daleks (1975) reached the third highest approval of all with 91.60%!

With plot elements of these episodes still managing to rear their heads in modern Doctor Who, such as the ever-enduring Master and The Morbius Doctors, it is clear that the mix of Hammer Horror into the formula inspired a new golden age of Doctor Who that continues to transcend its era. Despite its many recurring critics of the time, they’re appreciation and place in the fan’s hearts has never been stronger.


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Bristolian, Writer, Connoisseur of Doctor Who, Marvel and other nerd culture. My life philosophy is: “What would Steve Rogers do?”