How I Met Your Mother: 10 Most Embarrassing Moments

1. Ted Says I Love You

Ted's sweeping romanticism would be endearing to lots of women and for the large majority of the show's pilot episode it all goes well for Ted. He has a brilliant date with Robin and even symbolically steals the blue French horn for her. Unfortunately, Teddy Westside can't resist saying how he actually feels however as he disastrously spoils a sweet moment with Robin by declaring his love. What?! Robin's astonished reaction likely reflects how the viewers also feel. From the start of the show the chemistry between the two is clear and to see him spectacularly blow his chances was a real head in hands moment for watchers rooting for the couple. Such is Ted's penchant for rushing his relationships, the group have even coined a verb in his honour. To "Mosby" someone is to tell them that you love them, preferably on the first date, in order to put off the other person from wanting a second date. Although things work out for Ted and Robin in the end (the jury's still out on whether it was a satisfying ending), it was about as bad a start as they could possibly have been put on. What's your pick as HIMYM's most embarrassing moment? Share it (if you can bear) down in the comments.

Good wine needs no bush. Sport / Film / Gaming / TV enthusiast hailing from Tewkesbury. Scribbling away since 1993.