How I Met Your Mother: Did We Already Get A Glimpse Of How The Series Potentially Ends?

3. Nobody Is Really Dead

Maybe too much of this episode back in late March is being made of, and both parents are still alive. If you watch any of the scenes where the children are listening to the story, if in fact one of the parents had died, wouldn't they be listening more intently, and not looking so bored? Go back to any of the shows where the kids appear, when they are listening, and they don't seem to have much interest in their father's story of how he ends up meeting their mother. But then again, why the 45 days speech? Why is he wishing for more time with his wife when they're supposed to be living happily ever after? Does something else happen that we haven't caught onto yet? Are we in for a huge surprise next year in Season 9? It gives a lot of the show's fans a lot to think about and ponder what is going to happen between now and next year, when the ninth and final season of How I Met Your Mother takes place and we'll all find out who has been the mother all along. And lastly, will any of the potential theories mentioned end up happening? Stay tuned.

From Toms River, NJ, Current NFL and TV Writer, also a writer for Giants 101 and former writer for Bleacher Report