How I Met Your Mother: Each Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best
3. Tracy McConnell (The Mother)

Every other character on this list is flawed, imperfect, often over-the-top and even unlikable. But not Tracy McConnell. Tracy (aka The Mother) is an angel on earth, introduced at the end of season eight and fully explored in the show's final season. She was smart, kind, funny and, simply put, perfect. She never did anything to ruin her reputation.
The reason for this is pretty clear - Ted's telling his kids the story of their deceased mother, so of course he's not going to into massive detail about her worst traits. But still, what we see is brilliant. Tracy is always there to pick the others up just when they need her, she's a good mother, a great wife and a perfect fit for Ted. Plus, she can sing, like, really well.
The only reason she's not number one is because we don't get to see that much of her, and Ted hides all her flaws and whatever mistakes she made from their kids. Therefore, she's not as developed as the rest of the gang, and falls down in the ranking because of it.