How I Met Your Mother: Each Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Marshall Eriksen

How I Met Your Mother

Outside of Tracy, Marshall is the most likable main character in the show. A big guy with a heart of gold, he's portrayed throughout the show as being polite, kind, honest and loyal to the ends of the earth, putting out fires wherever he goes and completing TV's sweetest couple.

A lawyer whose career growth is great to see take shape during the show's run, thanks to the comedy stylings of Jason Segel he was absolutely hysterical every step of the way.

The best aspect of his character is easily his loyalty - he's a guy who would do anything for his friends and his wife, and the way he sticks with them all through thick and thin has to be commended.

He may have occasionally gone too far during his arguments with Lily and the way he lies to her about how busy he is at work isn't great, but all told Marshall Eriksen is just sublime. The only reason he's not number one is down to his season nine arc, which comes complete with one too many filler episodes and not the same attention to development he'd seen in the early days of the series.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other