How I Met Your Mother: How It Should Be Re-Cast In 2021

4. Robin - Zendaya

How I Met Your Mother Recast
CBS/Marvel Studios

Cobie Smulders' performance as Robin Scherbatsky is so iconic that it's hard to imagine anyone else taking over the role, even her Spider-Man: Far From Home co-star Zendaya. However, the Emmy winning actress of Euphoria fame could have done well as Robin if HIMYM had come out today.

Zendaya's early days on Disney Channel showcase her comedic chops, which would allow her to fit in well in a sitcom. As the group's cynic, Robin often has to react to the rest of the group's wackiness by lovingly teasing them, which Zendaya makes an art form out of as MJ in the MCU.

Additionally, Robin's storyline often delves into some serious territory for a sitcom, such as her becoming upset by her inability to have children or her potential deportation back to Canada. Zendaya is more than capable of carrying these heavier moments.

Robin is the coolest character on the show, and Zendaya's effortless charm would be a great fit. Besides, who wouldn't want to hear her sing Let's Go to The Mall?


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.