How I Met Your Mother: How It Should Be Re-Cast In 2021

2. Ted - Jack Quaid

How I Met Your Mother Recast

Ted Mosby needs to be a dork. If he were suave, it wouldn't be as fun to watch him struggle through relationship after relationship looking for the Mother, and his few moments of "cool-ness", such as his utterly charming five-minute date with Stella, would simply be par for the course and would not land as well.

Jack Quaid currently plays one of the best dorks on TV. His Hughie from The Boys is completely captivating, despite his awkward nature. Additionally, in spite of some of Hughie's questionable choices, Quaid still manages to make him a likeable protagonist. This is essential for Ted, who sometimes makes huge mistakes, like cheating on Victoria or breaking up with Natalie on her birthday twice, yet still has to be likeable enough to carry the story.

Ted is a heavily flawed character, one who has to grow up before he can meet the mother. Quaid could capture Ted at his worst, at his best, and, most importantly, at his dorkiest.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.