How I Met Your Mother: Ranking All Of Ted Mosby’s Serious Relationships From Worst To Best

3. Victoria (Played By Ashley Williams)

how i met your mother ted victoria

Victoria was Ted’s first serious relationship of the series and, while truly nauseating at times, they made a terrific couple. Upon meeting at Stuart and Claudia’s wedding, the two had a magical night of stealing the bridal bouquet, tap dancing and letting their budding romantic tension grow. Before exchanging personal information, Victoria snuck away into the night, causing Ted to put on his detective’s hat, track her down, and ask her out.

While these sappy, love- birds spent a brief period of time happily together, Victoria was eventually faced with deciding whether to prioritize her professional or romantic life. When she accepted a baking fellowship in Germany, the couple tried to make a long-distance relationship work. Difficult at the best of times, distance proved to be too much to overcome. Ted’s feelings for Robin resurfaced as his feelings for Victoria diminished, and he cheated with Robin, before ending his relationship.

Victoria re-entered Ted’s romantic life at the end of the 7th season, but the couple didn’t quite click during their second stint together. Victoria persistently tried guilting Ted into proposing and when he finally did pop the question, he was given the ultimatum of ending his friendship with Robin or losing Victoria. Ted’s unwillingness to end his friendship with Robin finished his chance at a future with Victoria. In the beginning, these two were a lovely couple, but Victoria’s trust in Ted never returned after he cheated. For that reason alone, it’s for the best their relationship ended.


Brady Coyle is a board game enthusiast, an outdoor enthusiast, a crossword enthusiast and doesn't understand the concept of synonyms. He saw a button that said "Contribute" and, presented with the opportunity to share his opinion, he will never say no. He lives in Toronto, Canada, a place where nothing ever gets done because everyone is too busy saying "sorry" to each other.