How I Met Your Mother: Ranking All Ted’s Love Interests From Worst To Best

22. Royce

How I Met Your Mother Royce

She was left at the alter three times, had a gambling addiction, and shared a bed with her brother. Ted had a lucky escape from this one - his date in season five’s The Wedding Bride.

21. Naomi

How I Met Your Mother Naomi

Ted clung onto his hopes of reuniting with a random girl dressed as a slutty pumpkin for 11 Halloweens in a row; a plot which was designed to show the hopeless romantic he was.

He finally tracked her down, only to discover, to his disappointment, there was absolutely no chemistry between them (little surprise after Katie Holmes was cast for the part).


Sports Journalism graduate. Writer on football, WWE, film and TV. The greatest TV show ever is The West Wing, and the greatest footballer ever is Harry Kane. One of those claims carries greater weight than the other. Disagree? Discuss with me on Twitter @JoeFish08