I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! - Top 10 Contestants Ever

9. Janice Dickinson

Ktheri Janice Dickinson, the women who claims she "coined the term supermodel" entered the jungle in 2007 and began as part of the Snake Rock team. She famously had a turbulent relationship with fellow contestant, Lynne Franks, who she described on meeting as looking "a bit like a tent." Initially, she volunteered to do the first trial, but little did she know this would be one of nine. She is probably most remembered for partaking in the Sushi Train of Pain Bushtucker trial against John Burton. She lost 4-1 after only managing to eat mullet gut onion and turned down silk worms, fish eyes and of course, crocodile penis. It was the hilarious exchange of dialogue between Janice and Dec which made the trial one of her best bits. When she was told by Dec that she needed to bite the shaft, she replied in true Janice style by saying "you bite the shaft!" More of her infamous one-liners included jeering at John throughout the trail and telling Ant and Dec "I can't eat croc dick, are you insane?" She may play up to her persona of the straight talking American bitch but she showed her softer and more human side when the camp received letters from friends and family. She seemed to really enjoy her time in the jungle, in true over-the-top American style, she claimed to love everything about the experience. Maybe she wasn't lying or maybe it was the exposure and earning potential, after she finishing second on the show she went on to enter series 2 of the USA version in 2009.

Alex Wells hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.