It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Season 12: 10 Funniest Moments

5. The "Death" Of "Brian LeFevre"

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Frank

When Dennis was revealed to be the father of the child of a woman he met in North Dakota under the name Brian LeFevre in the season finale, Dennis' Double Life; the gang scrambled to find a solution. After some time, it was clear what had to be done: Brian LeFevre had to die.

They then put together what is, without a single doubt, the single worst fake death in the history of anything. The gunshot sound effect went off what felt like an hour before it was supposed to, and Dennis tried his best and failed to make the whole thing seem convincing. Not even the child who couldn't be older than three years old did not look the least bit fooled.

There's something to be said about an actor who is so good at what he does that he makes his character look like a ludicrously terrible actor, and that's exactly what Glenn Howerton pulls off in this scene. The whole plan was petty to begin with, but the painfully transparent attempts to salvage it are what makes this bit work. And "Brian's" lover abruptly calling them out in it ties the whole thing together.

It's a scene so cringe-worthy that it loops back around to being genuinely funny, and if nothing else; you'll admire the gang's dedication to the scheme, no matter how much of a lost cause it is.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.