It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Season 12: 10 Funniest Moments

4. Sweet Dee's Revenge

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Frank

In PTSDee, Sweet Dee is pleased with herself after having what she believed to be a wonderful one night stand with a male stripper. However, she is disheartened to learn that said man considered the night with Dee to be his "rock bottom" and decides to get his life back on track. Dee, determined to prove that she is the opposite of a rock bottom, vows to help to prove that she improves lives, not ruins them.

However, this is all revealed to be a ruse. Dee never wanted to help the stripper, but instead; get revenge on him for the audacity of his comment. Her method of doing so will both violently disgust to in a fundamental way, and make you applaud her sheer villainous prowess.

One of the stripper's goals in fixing his life is to make amends with his estranged daughter. Dee assures this well never happen by tricking him into performing a very thorough lap dance on said daughter. When the two realize what's happening in the middle of it all, their relationship appears to be permanently fractured while Dee can only laugh as her master plan unfolds.

The Reynolds family are a nefarious bunch, if you haven't caught on. And this evil scheme bred from pure spite was undoubtedly one of the season's high points; with the shock value of it all being used to wonderfully funny effect.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.