It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Worst Things The Gang Has Done

8. Exploiting A Dumpster Baby

Its Always Sunny Halloween

Season 3 starts off with a bang, as the Gang find a baby stuffed into a dumpster outside of Paddy’s Pub. Rather than trying to help it or find it a home or a care agency, they opt to exploit it for money.

It’s only Mac and Dee involved here for the most part, but the finale - which sees Social Services walk in as the Gang appear poised to kill the baby with a sword - ropes them all into it.

The sword comes from Charlie and Frank arguing about dumpster diving, while Dennis has his own pretty reprehensible story going on (obviously).

Dennis infiltrates a hippy sect, convinces the leader to tie himself to a tree, so he can have sex with the leader’s girlfriend. Dennis, of course, then bulldozes the tree.

Back with the baby though, Mac and Dee try to shill it out in commercials. However, they discover a white baby doesnt play well these days, so first try to tan the baby, before settling for painting it brown.

This, of course, is when they’re walked in on, so it looks like they’re painting a baby just to stab it.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)