It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Worst Things The Gang Has Done

7. Holding A Fake Baby Funeral

Its Always Sunny Halloween

This started out as a solo scam by Dee alone, claiming dependency for Carmen’s surrogate baby and reaping the tax benefits. However, once she got audited, the whole Gang got involved, though entirely for their own selfish reasons.

After the rest of them decide to try and solve their problems without arguing, Mac and Charlie form a pact to always vote together, and attempt to get Dee on board. Dennis tries to exploit their differences by asking about a crucifix in the bar; something Mac and Charlie are arguing over.

Dennis and Frank then get together, and also try to get Dee on board. Mac and Charlie try and fail to kidnap a baby, instead giving Dee a baby tape recording in a bunch of clothes.

Frank and Dennis offer to throw her a baby funeral, spraying her with pepper spray to help her cry and make it convincing. They also use the funeral to legitimise Frank’s tax scam shell company Wolf Cola, and Mac and Charlie sense something is wrong.

They tip the baby coffin over, only to find a dead, rotten alley dog (which caused the argument between the guys in the first place) buried inside.

Needless to say, Dee does not get away with her scam.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)