It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

9. Frank's Back In Business (Season 8, Episode 7)

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Dee

After waiting 24 hours, the Gang claim the lost wallet of Brian LeFevre as their property. Dennis, along with Mac and Dee, scam perks from business executives trying to woo LeFevre.

Dennis takes the scam to a bizarrely psycho-sexual place, wanting to become LeFevre. He describes his desire to feel the thrill of wearing another man’s skin and controlling his every move. He is even willing to go along with LeFevre’s fetish for “banging little Asian boys”, which thankfully turns out to be a misunderstanding.

At the stockholder meeting, Mac and Charlie expose Dennis. Charlie presents a severed finger as Mac tells of the bizarre death of Brian LeFevre.

After Charlie made LeFevre urinate outside rather than ruin the clean bathroom, Mac refused to let him back in the bar without ID. Mistakenly thinking he’d dropped his wallet in the alley way, he was set upon and murdered by a mugger. Another death to the Gang, albeit an indirect one.

When Mac and Charlie identified the body, Charlie misheard Mac’s request to get a fingerprint. Hearing “get a fingertip”, he sliced a finger off LeFevre’s corpse.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.