It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

6. Mac Kills His Dad (Season 10, Episode 7)

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Dee

As Mac and Charlie try to prove Luther, Mac’s dad, is innocent of decapitating a man with a stop sign, Dennis, Frank, and Dee are left to contend with Bill Ponderosa, who has come to Paddy’s with the intent to drink himself to death. The trio acknowledge that they don’t really care that much about Bill, although they have already had too many deaths at the bar.

Bill’s home life is as dark as his intentions. His sister Maureen has mutilated her face with surgery aimed to make her look like a cat. This includes having her breasts taken out and put in her face. His gothic pre-teen son refers to him as “Mr. C**ksucker”. Bill also alienated his young daughter dubbing her “too fat to be a sl*t”. Meanwhile, his wife thinks Bill’s suicide plan is “fantastic” due to the insurance pay out.

The Gang give up. They too take out an insurance policy on Bill, reasoning if he’s going to kill himself, they might as well make some money from it. Though Bill doesn’t go through with his plan, the whole cast’s enablement up to that point is particularly disturbing.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.