It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Most Insane Fan Theories

1. A Picture Of Dorian Mara

It's Always Sunny

This is easily the best and most insane theory that has ever been generated for the show. It has no basis in reality but still makes for a fascinating outlook on one of the most compelling characters.

The story of Dorian Gray - if you're not familiar - was written by Oscar Wilde and told of a young man who sells his soul for debauchery and sin. Every heinous deed he commits blackens and corrupts his being, but his body never shows as he remains young and beautiful for decades. However, a painting of himself that he owns develops and begins to grow hideous, reflecting the inside of this man's heart in physical form.

This theory suggests that Cricket is, in fact, the vessel for which The Gang's corruption. While they all retain their youth and good looks, their foul deeds corrupt and ruin the aesthetic of Rickety Cricket. This is why he becomes hideous and monstrous as the show progresses.

Of course, this isn't a theory that has any truth to it, but it's an amusing idea, and definitely the most insane fan concept.

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It's Always Sunny

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