It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Most Offensive Episodes

4. Mac Fights Gay Marriage

Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Season 6, Episode 1

Best Quote: Mac: "No, I wouldn't whoop on you with anything, whether you were my slave or not.."

Even though it could be argued that Mac is the most harmless member of the group, his ability to make ignorance look like bliss is what makes him one of the more offensive character.

In the season 6 premiere, Mac finds out that a pre-op transsexual he dated previously has undergone surgery and has married a man. To which Mac, out of jealousy, decides constitutes a gay marriage. Due to Mac's egocentric religious beliefs, he goes out of his way to convince everyone around him that the marriage is wrong, as so sayeth God.

In the mean time, Charlie and Frank argue about whether getting married would be classified as gay or not.

The episode was highly insensitive towards, what was at the time, a very current subject. It also openly mocked stereotypical gender roles in homosexual relationships, with Frank and Charlie arguing about who would be 'the dude' if they were to wed.


TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.