It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Things That Need To Happen Before The Show Ends
1. Mac And Charlie Win ChardeeMacDennis
ChardeeMacDennis, the game of games! Fans have been treated to two instalments of this disastrous and alcohol-infused board game, and both of them have been dramatic. Seeing the gang attempt to navigate the simple act of competitive play is, of course, full of toxicity and frustration, which is what makes it so fun to watch.
What forces these episodes to be even more frustrating is that Dennis and Dee have never lost. Both episodes tease that the Golden Geese (Dennis and Dee) will finally be dramatically defeated, but this never comes to fruition, and they mercilessly destroy Mac and Charlie's game pieces every time.
This is a narrative that needs to be paid off, as the set-up for finally seeing Mac and Charlie take the victory is so well built. Everyone loves an emphatic underdog victory, and there is no doubt that the tension caused by the upset would be hilarious.
As Dee states in the episode "ChardeeMacDennis", "It's almost statistically impossible to play that many games and never win". That is undoubtedly the case, so you have to imagine that the build-up of anger they have cultivated for The Golden Geese will erupt in a fiery ball of fury, and hilarity.