Jessica Jones: 11 Things From The Comic They Didn't Show

1. Browntown

In case having the first word of the first issue be €˜F*CK€™ wasn€™t enough to remind readers that the story of Jessica Jones is not intended for the eyes of babes, Brian Bendis infamously included the fail safe of having the protagonist take a detour down the Hershey Highway. At the beginning of the story, a downtrodden and drunk Jessica sleeps with Luke Cage. Wanting to "just feel something different" and opting for "pain, humility, anger", Jessica allows Luke Cage to enter her exit. This moment was alluded to in the show when Jessica and Luke originally shacked up, however the lack of internal monologue left it open to interpretation. It€™s kind of hard to outright state that your main character is visiting the Vegimite Valley without immediately bumping up your rating to €˜do not air this until after all the decent people are asleep€™. Immediately setting the tone of the book in what is a deeply personal and character defining moment, Bendis finally achieved his lifelong dream of writing one of his favourite characters, Luke Cage, and have him dance to the B-side of Macklemore€™s €˜Downtown€™.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.