Jessica Jones Season 2: 14 Things You Missed

7. Wet Velvet = Marvel's Fifty Shades (Episode 6, "AKA Facetime")

Jessica Jones Jeri Hogarth

When Jeri's live-in freeloader and eventual lover-turned-murderer Inez Green (Leah Gibson) starts rifling through Jeri's belongings looking for the good stuff, she opens a bedside drawer to find Jeri's medication, along with an, ahem, "neck massager", and a tatty copy of an erotic novel called Wet Velvet.

It's pretty safe to assume that this is basically the Marvel Cinematic Universe's equivalent of Fifty Shades of Grey, an erotic novel that's taken the world by storm. The title is so hilariously salacious that it's a clear thumb of the nose at the entire genre of trashy sex novels, but being the best-selling example, it's taking aim at Fifty Shades in particular.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.