JuJutsu Kaisen: Ranking The Worst To Best Battles

3. Gojo Vs. Everyone

Whenever Gojo decides to get involved in a battle and show off his power, it's always completely worth the wait. Even though he's a hugely important character in the show, when he gets involved in a fight it feels like a special attraction.

Just look at what he did when he was finally able to break through the veil during the Kyoto Sister School Event. After ripping off Juzo's limbs with just a glance of those big blue eyes, he turns his attention to Hanami, who has been battling Yuji and Todo.

While it might look like he's way too far away to do anything, doubting the power of Gojo is a fool's choice. By combining Cursed Technique: Amplification Blue and Cursed Technique Reversal: Red he's able to unleash the Hollow Purple technique.

To say that this technique was insane would be an understatement, as it ripped through the forest and nearly exorcised Hanami from what seems like miles away.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.