Justified: 5 Reasons You Need to Start Watching

2. The Format Changes Every Season

justified2 Most television dramas start off as high concepts then they develop into programs that we watch each week. For example, Showtime€™s Dexter started off with the high concept €œa serial killer that only kills bad people.€ This concept grew into the bloody and humorous show that has lasted eight seasons. Even though I am a huge fan of Dexter, I can admit that the biggest problem with the show is that it has never really changed its format. Each season presents Dexter with a new villain that appears in Miami, and instead of helping the police take him down, he takes matters into his own hands. Although it makes for great television, it doesn€™t bring new life into the series and it is why many believe that the show should have ended already. This is one of the reasons that makes Justified such a compelling show, it is constantly shaking things up and changes the format each season. Season one had Raylan move back to Kentucky and his first case was to take down Boyd Crowder. The season changes when they inadvertently team up to take down Boyd€™s father. Season two changed the format by introducing the next villain, Mags Bennett (Margo Martindale) and her family early in the season, but did not have Raylan go after them immediately. The third season introduced a carpet bagging lunatic named Robert Quarles (Neal McDonough) who tries to take over the oxycodone business in Kentucky. The most current season has Raylan investigating a thirty year-old unsolved mystery. By keeping the basic framework and constantly changing the format, Justified remains to be both fresh and entertaining.
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After going back in time and successfully taking down the Empire whilst rescuing the Ark of the Covenant from the hands of the Nazis. I decided to hang up my blaster, bull whip, and Tardis to live a less exciting life as a student of History and Radio/Television/Film at Rowan University.