Karen Gillan Promises "Damn Good" Ending For Amy Pond in Doctor Who Series 7

Actress claims Amy's departure from the show will be the "best ever".

Doctor Who star Karen Gillan has promised that if we must suffer the loss of Amy Pond and Rory when Doctor Who returns for a seventh series this year, then we are going to suffer a great deal with €œwith a proper send off€. Fans of the show, myself included, were sad to hear that the upcoming series will be the last to feature Amy and husband Rory (Arthur Darvill), but we can now rest safe in the knowledge that their final episodes will be ones to have the hankies ready for. The Scottish actress told IGN nothing at all to give away how her character will leave the show, but she happily explained that her decision to exit was her own choice and that show-runner Steven Moffat had been more than accommodating in allowing her to be involved in how she would leave. €œI called Steven and basically told him roughly when I wanted to go,€ she explained. €œHe told me where the story was at and where it was going and then we kind of together came up with it. €œSteven Moffat comes up with endless, amazing ideas anyway, but I wanted to make sure that I went on a high. There€™s just something quite nice and appealing about that to me. I don€™t know, it just felt right! I like to go on instinct.€ She added that her exit from the show would be €œdamn good€ and possibly the €œbest ever€ exit. Steven Moffat revealed at the beginning of the month that Amy and Rory€™s departure would be tear-jerker. Can he deliver? He has a pretty good track record so far.

Anthony Lund is a writer and puppet maker from Durham. He is the author of the Dickens parody, A Christmas Carol Retold, and also works as a Showbiz & Music news writer. His new novel, Grim Reaping, is out at the end of October. More information can be found at his website,