Klaus: 8 Reasons To Watch Netflix's New Christmas Classic

6. The Relationships

Klaus Netflix

The relationships between characters in this film feel genuine all around, sweet and sentimental without overdoing it, with friendships and familial ties forming naturally between likable, complex characters who each have their own distinct personalities and are all appealing besides.

The best relationship is that which forms between the fast-talking Jesper and the stoic Klaus, the two central protagonists of the narrative. Jesper, a selfish, clever man whose secretly good heart overrides his better judgment, is quite literally thrown into acts of kindness by the closed off, intimidating, yet surprisingly loving Klaus.

The strength of the characters in the film make all other relationships feel just as genuine, such as the growing affection between Jesper and the hardened yet hopeful fishmonger schoolteacher Alva, and the sweet friendship between Jesper and the bright and adorable Sámi girl, Margu. Even the banter between Jesper and the sly boatman Mogens pulls great laughs.

With a film dedicated to making its audience feel good, it really is the relationships formed throughout the film that bring the most heart, and the undeniable feeling of love between its protagonists, to the fore.

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Klaus (2019)
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Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com