Legion: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

6. It's Going To Be Fun

Legion TV Series Logo

One viewing of the trailers tells you that Legion is going to be different. And, it's going to be fun. Many superhero movies and TV shows are derided for being too dark and serious and even the ones viewed as more light-hearted can still be rather bleak. Despite tackling serious issues (primarily mental illness), Legion looks like a giggle-inducing rollercoaster ride.

The style of the show will throwback to a wacky 60s/70s vibe and this is no more present than in the jovial dance sequence in the first trailer. Much of the trailers show David battling with his own mind but this surreal scene and other short appearances from Aubrey Plaza, promote a show that won't be bogged down by this struggle but rather portray David's journey as a unique and fascinating one as he uncovers more about his condition.

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Adam Speight hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.