Legion: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

4. It Promises Unique And Interesting Stakes

Legion TV Series Logo

At present, no primary antagonist has been announced for Legion (there are rumours that villain, The Eye, may appear). But from what we know about the show, it seems like one may not be necessary and this is intriguing.

Whilst David is sure to face many obstacles in his journey, the struggle looks to be centred around the battle he has with his own mind. Not only will he inwardly be tackling his unique circumstances but he is going to spend a lot of time investigating what is going on around him in the outside world.

We see in the trailer that he believes he has somehow swapped consciousness with a mysterious woman but doesn't understand how.

So, yes, the main struggle in Legion appears to be between David and understanding his condition, circumstances and reality. This is a significant and exciting departure from the usual hero vs villain formula that many similar shows and movies take.

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Adam Speight hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.