Legion: 25 WTF Moments From Season 1
7. The Ant Fungus Analogy
While Lenny's dance was strange an unexpected, the absolute biggest bewildering moment from Chapter 6 is Lenny's late-night therapy session with David. She starts off with her faux sincerity, before quickly turning passive-aggressive and eventually, full-on hostile; even stepping on his crotch at one point.
Lenny asks David why he even bothers with Syd, who replies that they are in love. Lenny then tells David what she thinks of love: that it's nothing more than a chemical; which she compares to a fungus that infects ants that causes them to climb to a high point before a long, branch like appendage busts out of their head, which radiates spores to spread the fungus.
The audience is then treated to a very vivid image of this phenomenon taking place, which is immediately followed by Lenny sitting on David's lap and grinding vigorously grinding against him before transforming into the devil with the yellow eyes.
Of all the uncomfortable moments in Legion, this is possibly the most off-putting, to say the least.