Loki: 10 Insane Fan Theories That Could Come True

7. Loki Has To Save The Avengers

Loki Fan theory
Marvel Studios

The theory goes that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings could influence a tornado several weeks later. Such is the importance of even the tiniest detail, and the ripple effects they could cause in time. If this is what could happen from a butterfly's wings, imagine what the consequences could be should the Avengers have lost to Loki in the Battle of New York.

Clearly, from the look of the desolate city skyline in the trailer, things only go from bad to worse should Earth's Mightiest Heroes be bested by the invading Asgardian. If the TVA are looking at this as something that needs fixing in the overall arc of the timeline, who better, and more ironic to send to make sure the Avengers won than Loki himself?

Obviously, this was a battle that Cap, Iron Man and co. were supposed to win, but for whatever reason in this reality they didn't. Loki would have to fix that to start trimming the branches that have sprouted on the timeline ever since the Infinity Stones were messed with.

This wouldn't necessarily be the only classic MCU moment he has to correct either. There could be any number of key incidents through history that should have happened but didn't, and need Loki's expertise in order to change. Just think of the different characters he could have to shift into the shape of!


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.