Loki Episode 1: 8 Biggest Questions

1. Was Another Variant Created In Avengers: Endgame?

Loki show
Marvel Studios

Loki is the first Variant seen in the MCU to fans' knowledge so far.

It would appear that everyone has so far stayed within their path set by the Time Keepers, until Loki broke this streak when he stole the Tesseract, but are there potentially more Variants in the franchise that simply haven't been recognised yet?

Much of what happened in Avengers: Endgame was supposed to happen, with Judge Renslayer saying that Earth's Mightiest Heroes broke no sacred timeline laws by going back in time and messing with the Infinity Stones, but there were a lot more moving parts in and after the time heist.

Thanos took his forces from 2014 through to 2023, and this would appear to also be part of the grand plan, as it led to the Avengers' victory. There weren't really any beings left after Tony's snap to be a Variant in this regard, with the exception of Gamora.

She came to the future with her adoptive father, but while the rest of his army was killed, she apparently survived as suggested by one of the movie's deleted scenes, and the tease of Quill looking into where she could have gone.

Was this supposed to happen, or does this make her another Variant? Did the Time Keepers bank on Tony killing every single person Thanos brought through from the past instead of leaving one alive?

If this is the case, does this open the door to Peter Quill's search for his love forcing him to cross paths with the TVA in Guardians Volume 3?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.