Loki Episode 1: 8 Biggest Questions

2. Does The Show Link To The Multiverse Of Madness?

Loki show
Marvel Studios

With the Infinity Saga now at an end after 23 movies spanning more than a decade, there is room in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for another over-arcing story, with the leading candidate being the exploration of the Multiverse.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will of course be the anchor to this, with Spider-Man: No Way Home seemingly also joining in the narrative, but could Loki also be a part of the story? Thanks to Miss Minutes of the TVA, this seems incredibly likely.

When talking both Loki and the MCU audience through what the Time Variance Authority does, Miss Minutes spoke of a Multiversal war between many different timelines, and if certain Nexus events like Loki stealing the Tesseract and disappearing go unchecked, such a war could be kicked off again.

Some fans believe this is a nod to Secret Wars, but the key is that the video's narrator used the word 'madness' to describe this potential war across the Multiverse.

This was surely no accident, and it seems that Loki must link through this to the Doctor Strange sequel. Could the first episode of Loki have already described exactly what the Sorcerer Supreme will be up against in 2022?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.