Loki Episode 2: 8 Biggest Questions

5. Where Do Loki's Allegiances Lie?

Lady Loki Episode 2
Marvel Studios

Loki has made his intentions clear over the first two episodes of the series, to gain an audience with the Time Keepers and overthrow the TVA. However, in order to get ever closer to his goal, he is giving off the appearance of working with the TVA themselves .

However, Loki is a trickster and proud of it. He himself explained to Mobius that one way he can trick people is to take advantage of his reputation as a trickster, exploiting the fact that he knows that they know what he is, and all of a sudden no one knows whether to expect either the expected, or the unexpected.

This is a wonderfully colourful way to say little more than no one, at any point, can ever trust Loki. Not Mobius, not Renslayer, not his female counterpart, and certainly not the audience. So the fact is, right now, it's impossible to know exactly what Loki has planned.

Is he trying to overthrow the TVA while pretending to work for them, or is he trying to catch Lady Loki by pretending he is trying to overthrow the TVA? He is obviously bluffing to someone, but because this is Loki, it's not out of the question to believe he could be double, triple, or even quadruple bluffing any number of people.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.