Loki Episode 2: 8 Biggest Questions

4. Has Lady Loki Just Set Up The Multiverse Of Madness?

Lady Loki Episode 2
Marvel Studios

Back in episode one, Miss Minutes warned Loki of the consequences of Nexus events in terms of the Sacred Timeline. If such occurrences aren't dealt with and managed properly, the entire timeline could fall back into the 'madness' of a multiversal war.

These words must have been chosen very carefully by those involved, as one of the most anticipated movies on the MCU slate, releasing next year, just so happens to be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It doesn't take too much intense thought to put these jigsaw pieces together.

As Lady Loki bombed the Sacred Timeline, countless Nexus events took place at the same time. Often the Minute Men struggled to cope with just one at a time knowing that they were on the clock, so with this many to tackle at once it's entirely possible that the situation could get out of hand.

Should even one of these new branches of time go unpruned, there's no telling the eventual consequences on the Sacred Timeline. If more than one goes unchecked, it could certainly lead to what anyone could describe as a Multiverse of Madness, something that only the Sorcerer Supreme could fix.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.