Loki Episode 2: 8 Biggest Questions

3. Has Lady Loki Just Set Up 'What If...?'?

Lady Loki Episode 2
Walt Disney Corporation

The only problem with the previous theory is that far more people will likely watch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness than will watch Loki. Not everyone has a subscription to Disney+, while MCU movies will always draw a bigger mainstream audience to the cinemas who won't have necessarily seen every previous franchise entry religiously.

Despite Michael Waldron writing both Loki and the Doctor Strange sequel, Kevin Feige may not want audiences to have to watch one of the Disney+ series in order to understand one of the movies. Luckily however, there is another project coming up that could also tie into Loki beautifully.

The fourth series to debut on Disney+ is set to be What If...?, chronicling different stories taking place outside of the main continuity. Narrated by Uatu the Watcher, each episode will focus on a different story in an alternate timeline, not unlike the countless branches Lady Loki just unleashed on the TVA.

What if scenarios are nothing new to Marvel in terms of the comics, however this will be the first time the Marvel Cinematic Universe has tackled something like this. To give it a link to the rest of the wider universe, rather than just being isolated as its own entity is not only a smart move, but it definitely feels like something that Kevin Feige would do, as nothing in the MCU is ever truly isolated.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.