Loki Episode 3: 10 Biggest Questions

8. What Is The Current State Of The TVA?

Loki Sylvie
Marvel Studios

At the end of episode two of Loki, the Sacred Timeline was essentially bombed by Sylvie. Charges were set off all over the timeline, causing Nexus events in many cities across planet Earth, as well as some of the more intriguing worlds around the universe like Titan, Ego, Vormir, Xandar, and Asgard to name a few.

This was a wonderful cliffhanger, as this could have genuinely dire consequences for the universe, and could kick off a multiversal war of madness. There was a panic from the Minute Men, from Mobius, and from Renslayer, and it seemed as though the story would continue in the third entry of the series.

However, with the exception of Sylvie returning to the TVA for a handful of minutes before being sent away by Loki, 'Lamentis' focused entirely on the two Variants and away from Mobius and the Time Variance Authority. This leaves fans with absolutely no idea as to how the organisation is handling the potential world-ending catastrophe.

Is this something that the Time Keepers will have to physically get involved in themselves? Surely this is above the likes of Casey and Mobius, and will need the biggest guns the TVA has to straighten everything out. For all fans know, by the end of episode three, the TVA may have already collapsed, but there will be no way of knowing until at least next week.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.