Loki Episode 6 FINALE: 8 Insane Theories That Could Be True

5. It Was Renslayer All Along

loki castle dr doom theory
Walt Disney Corporation

Sometimes Marvel fans, this writer included, just don't learn. When WandaVision was barreling towards its conclusion, there were theories left, right, and centre about the appearance of Mephisto, the mystery character Paul Bettany teased, and the aerospace engineer Monica Rambeau mentioned.

None of these ever came to be relevant however, as it was apparent that the final episode of the series was too late to introduce any new characters, particularly ones that would steal the spotlight from Wanda herself. This could be a similar situation with Loki.

This is his series, so would Marvel want to steal his thunder with the debut of Kang or Doctor Doom?

Luckily, there may be no real need to bring in an outside villain when the last five episodes of Loki have presented and developed one already. Judge Renslayer is the highest ranking TVA official so far, she was the one who took Sylvie to begin with, and has been shifty from the very start.

She may be giving the impression that she doesn't know who is behind the curtain of the TVA, but just about everything she has said so far has been a lie, so why should this be any different? Could it be that there is a Queen of the castle at the end of time?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.